Monday 6 May 2013

Continuing with Delhi property and the Master Plan of Delhi 2021, master plan of Delhi is based on vision 2021 which is to make "Delhi a global metropolis and a world class city". This is keeping in mind to plan and implement the ways to meet the challenge of growth in population and the large number of immigrants coming into Delhi.

It is understood that the Ministry of Urban Development issued guidelines and activated the think tank for the preparation of Master Plan Delhi 2021. The master plan emphasizes on the need for alternate methods of land assembly, more active private sector participation and flexible land use and development norms.

While preparing the master plan reports of previous  studies undertaken by expert groups comprising from important sectors like housing, demography, infrastructure, environment conservation, transportation, industry - trade and commerce, etc.were also considered.

Various presentations were made by the DDA, lawyers, Chartered Accountants, resident welfare associations etc., regarding the draft master plan of delhi and in 2005 draft master plan was notified for public objections and suggestions through gazzette notification. An estimated 7000 suggestions were received by the concerned authorities.

The revised master plan was reviewed on many occasions between 2006-2007 and then it was forwarded to the ministry of urban development for approval and the board of directors incorporated alot of suggestions and  addressed the objections for the draft master plan before sending it to the ministry. After all this review and incorporating the suggestion the final Master Plan of Delhi 2021 was  approved and accorded in its present form.

Readers please feel free to add your inputs.

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